Hori Smoku On

I got put down to Sailor Jerry Rum in 2000 when I ran into my old homie Jeremy who had just bought out the biggest liquor store in Madison, Wisconsin. When I asked him what the best part of owning the liquor store was, he told me it was because of Sailor Jerry. I had no idea what he was talking about until we pulled into his crib and went inside. Now this was a gown man, mind you, and he had every single spare space that could be construed as a shelf adorned with a bottle of Sailor Jerry’s Spiced Rum. Turns out, not longer after acquiring the store Jeremy was visited by the Sailor Jerry’s rep who had to do nothing more than profer one sweet shot of this dark and mysterious spirit and Jeremy was hooked. I swear we went through at least a case of it that week, obviously my memory of it is not the best, but the overall experience is something I’ll never forget. Fast forward to now and Sailor Jerry is blowing up and Dark and Stormy’s are pushing Patron out the frame. Still there is much more to Sailor Jerry than a mind blowingly strong rum. Sailor Jerry is actually the name of a Canadian (from the hometown of my homie Trevor Andrew of all places) turned US Sailor named Norman Collins who is the undisputed father of the modern tattoo game. Intrigued? Me too, that’s why I’m hitting the screening tomorrow night of “Hori Smoku Sailor Jerry” at The Tribeca Cinemas. You know the rum is going to be flowing at this one! The film and party are free, but if you know Tribeca Cinemas, its packs out fast, so RSVP right here. Take a look at Norman up there, that’s a real OG. See you there!